If you are stuck in a job and want more freedom in life to travel the world,
book today your discovery call.
If you are stuck in a job and want more freedom in life to travel the world,
book today your discovery call.
We help Freelancers/Travel Addicts to become location-independent & work from anywhere within 90 days.
We'll help you become a high-paid remote worker!
Get Paid to Travel the world with other digital nomads in just 90 days at the TripLeader academy or we'll guide you in finding your first remote job.

Earn just as much money as any online business owner without building a team, starting a business, or having your own product or service by working remotely.

A full-stacked offer with everything you need in order to "change" your life and
become the owner of your own time.
We help Freelancers/Travel Addicts to become location-independent & work from anywhere within 90 days.
We'll help you become a high-paid remote worker!
Get Paid to Travel the world with other digital nomads in just 90 days at the TripLeader academy or we'll guide you in finding
your first remote job.

Earn just as much money as any online business owner without building a team, starting a business, or having your own product or service by working remotely.

A full-stacked offer with everything you need in order to "change" your life and
become the owner of your own time.
Work & Travel
from Anywhere
Teaching you a proven skill to generate a high income while working & traveling from anywhere in the world.

Can be your main/second job!

Online income

Quit your Home-Office, change your work and replace your static job with an online income that allows you to grow your worldwide network and become the owner of your time.

Flexible strategy

Creating a personal & flexible strategy that allows you to start living life on your own terms.

You choose where, when, and with who you want to travel!

founder and coach

About Nico Estinto

Nico helps people who are stuck in a job to successfully transition into an online career allowing them to work remotely and become the only owner of their time.

Thereby he is specialized in managing online businesses working as a Digital Marketing Manager and planning trips for Digital Nomads/Coaches.

He never worked even one hour in a normal job position, he is constantly looking to improve the quality of his life, and being the owner of his time for Nico it's the most important thing.

That's why knowing all the potentials of the internet, with over 3 online businesses, Nico shows how to transition into a dream career - traveling from anywhere working remotely with other like-minded people, forgetting all the standard structures, and living life for real.

To start a career online career, you don’t need a degree, a brilliant CV, or any certificate. All that counts are the results that you are able to deliver and of course - YOUR COMMITMENT.

Your goal is easily achieved if you master a learnable skill, like leading groups, that allows you to earn very good money online while you can be free and enjoy your life to the fullest.

Who is this for

Remote workers and aspiring entrepreneurs who would like to level up their money game or quit their 9-5 job to move into a digital career with full location freedom.

You owner of your time, or part-time worker, can change your lifestyle by living and working with other professionals from anywhere in the world.

For the Leaders of our era with a strong online community, with our program, you can sky rock your income.

Learn how to plan retreats, how fill your villas and grow your community through Organic Marketing.
Travel Addicted
If your dream is to TRAVEL and meet new people as a job... we'll teach you all the secrets!

In less than 90 days you won't stop traveling anymore.
Change your life today!

We help travelers, digital nomads, remote workers, or any person with the big will of traveling to let become this hobby a remunerative high-paid job or we'll guide you in finding your new remote job.

We are different from everyone else because we will show you all the details, tips, and tricks that have helped us to become successful digital nomads.

We keep our mentorship program very simple, result-focused, and with a clear path that will help you to become location independent within 90 days.

With my help, you will be able to finally take life back into your own hands and switch over to a digital career that is tapping into an estimated $325 billion dollar market by 2025.

Academy is a 90-Day Mentorship Program exclusively with Nico, his partners, and his team.

In this program, we break down your current situation and see in the shortest timeline how you can become a successful Digital Nomad making up to 5000€ per month of net income.

You get access to our mentorship that will guide you to learn how to get paid to travel in just 90days. It's a risk-free program, pay after your first results.

Next to that, we can provide you with a consultation program for guiding you on how to find your remote dream job.

We provide you with a paved, clear path and a roadmap specifically designed for you. A proven system that will give you the right tools and strategies to become a pro remote worker.
apply now

How does the application process look like?

You apply for the free consultation call

In the first step, you have to go to my short application form.

By filling it out you are giving me some information about your current situation and yourself so I know how I can help you the best.

Book a call at the time and day you prefer

You'll book a call when it suits better for you, a Free Consultation Call.

Here we will create an individual step-by-step plan for your current situation and together we'll chose the skill that fits the best for you.

Join the Program!

If together we feel that you are the right fit for this program we'll give you a warm welcome into our community.

You can choose to become a new remote worker or to make of traveling your main/second source of income!.

Book your call
You can choose a convenient time and day for a
Discovery Call.

We'll analise together you current situation and I'll give you the right expectations/strategy for this Mentorship Program.
Coaching programs

Our Programs Includes

  • Mindset Training

  • 1 to 1 Mentoring
  • Accountability
    Weekly Check-ins Calls
  • Personal Support 24/7
    Trough our FB group, Whatsapp profile and more.

  • Group Coaching Calls
  • Efficiency
    We value your time - we won't waste it!
Frequently Asked Questions

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