Ceci Nieva
Increase your productivity in Paradise!

Join me in a productivity boot camp at the beach.. .What?! Yes!!!
Work and Leisure, the best combination.

What does it mean “Productivity Boot Camp”?

Are you stuck on your project or online business? Or maybe in your life?

Are you the type of person who says “I will do.” and then time passes and nothing happens? Do you need a boost of confidence and productivity?

I have spent thousands of dollars on courses and read lots of books regarding productivity and I will share them all with you on our next trip!

We will have workshops and skill-share sessions before our working day starts, that will give you the tools to move forward in your business and life.

Don’t worry there will be plenty of time for relaxation as well, after a super productive day of work, we can head out and explore new places, experience different cultures, taste local dishes, and enjoy fun activities together.

Check out this video to know more about me and what we will do in our next trip.

Boost your productivity by creating new habits through group challenges, skill-share sessions, and more! Learn about goal setting, motivation, and how to end your procrastination and start the life you have always dreamed about!


You'll have the opportunity to meet fellows and motivated entrepreneurs and create valuable connections that could lead to exciting collaborations, partnerships; and the best, new lifelong friendships.

Take a break from your usual routine and relax in beautiful surroundings.
Continue working and getting paid, but now from an incredible location while sharing the experience with other like-minded fellows.
After a super productive day of work, we can head out and explore new places, experience different cultures, taste local dishes, and enjoy fun activities together.

We'll decide together on our next exciting journey!
I'm Cecilia, and I’m from Santa Fe, Argentina (land of the best steaks!).
Ever since I was young I knew that Santa Fe was too small for me.. I wanted a bigger playground: THE WORLD!
My biggest dream has always been to discover new places, meet new people, and learn about different cultures. But, like many of us, I was immersed in my daily routine and postponed my dream for the future..

One lucky day, right after I finished my studies as an Accountant in Argentina; I realized that I was about to get a full-time job, maybe a mortgage for a house, a car, and continue with all the expectations society had for me. I felt that moment was my only chance to escape and truly follow my dream.
So, I shut down my biggest fears and made the big decision. I quit my job, left my family and friends behind, and bought a one-way ticket to Barcelona, Spain. The day I arrived, I had no idea where I would sleep or go after!!! Believe me, it was the scariest and most exciting moment of my life.

I spent six months solo traveling around Spain, Portugal, Italy, Czech Republic, England, and France. I used a platform called Couchsurfing, where I met many wonderful people and visited amazing places I never thought in my life.
If you're curious about my adventures, you can check out my Couchsurfing profile and read comments from some of the people I've met along the way: Cecilia's Couchsurfing Profile
But my savings started to run out, and I began thinking of ways to continue traveling, meeting new people, and making money all at the same time.
So, I started working remotely as an accountant, until one good day I found this fantastic world of coworking trips. I knew this was going to be an amazing opportunity to continue traveling and creating connections all around the world.

I know firsthand that taking big risks and going out of our comfort zone is a challenging job. All my life I have fought against procrastination and postponing my dreams for the future. I had to learn how to be consistent and not to give up.
I have read a lot about productivity and currently, I am taking another course about how you can achieve all your goals without suffering in the process. And let me give you a hint, doing it in a group is the main key!
I can't wait to get to know you and share all our knowledge and experiences!!!

I will take care of each detail for this experience to be the best one for you and for me, finding the right people to create a fantastic match and synergy.
Best Accomodation

Imagine yourself waking up and drinking your morning coffee in front of the sea! Our accommodation will meet all the comfort expectations and with the best WIFI to ensure the most productive days of your life.
Selected Group

Finding the right people for this trip will be my main objective, I want to create the best experience ever and for that, we all need to be on the same page with the same energy!
Personal Development

We will have workshops where I will show you how to get your Sh!t done once and for all and to move forward in your life; improve yourself to work less and do more, boost your current business to increase your income, or even create a new one.
Cultural Exploration And Adventure

After productive work sessions, we'll get to enjoy fun activities. Whether it's hiking in beautiful landscapes, trying local foods, or experiencing cultural traditions. Each day presents a new adventure waiting to be discovered!
By joining my coworking trips, you can expect to increase your productivity, expand your network, explore new horizons, and start a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth.

Contact me to know more!
María Cecilia Nieva
Mobile: +420 735 378 680
Email: nievamariacecilia@hotmail.com