(healing traveler)
Create awakening experiences for your mind and body.
Join me on traditional healing-oriented co-living & co-working trips around the globe
…Travel the Earth and Unite with the Cosmos…

Every culture has a sacred healing method dating back to its ancient history
Let’s Discover the Cures of the Planet together!
I design and host trips for Remote Workers and Digital Nomads focused on traditional healing approaches and techniques of every destination.
Work remotely with fast & stable connections
Do not disturb your working schedule and obligations. Travel to any destination and continue working properly from there!
Private or shared room accommodations

In every destination, we stay in centrally located houses, where we are all comfortable and safe. Enjoy your privacy in a solo room or share a room with like-minded traveling spirit.

Spiritual awakening & body healing
Has the time arrived to realize the holistic perception of your existence? If you are ready to consciously dive into your inner self through global traveling, this is the right trip for you!
Who is Kelly (Healing Traveler)
Gia sou! Hello everyone, I am Kelly, from Greece. I was born and raised in Athens. I am a meditation instructor and energy healer and I signify myself as an artist since I am also a metal sculptor, focusing on “Sacred Geometry on large-scale installations”
. And... my “day job” is in digital marketing!
So, let me explain what I do in my life and how I combine everything …
I studied Political Sciences in Thessaloniki (the second-largest city in the north of Greece). Being very diligent and persistent, I continued my studies and obtained two Master's degrees in Marketing (“Marketing and Business Administration” from Bremen University in Germany & “Marketing and Communication with New Technologies” from Athens University of Economics and Business in Greece).

I work as a Digital Marketing Expert, utilizing my academic background. I love this day job because it gives me the ability to work from literally everywhere, making my own program and working hours. So I mostly travel around the world, which I consider a blessing. I have traveled ever since I can remember my shelf, either for studies, or for work (sometimes I share my articles with a traveling blog, as a copywriter for a Greek lgbtq+ website), or for exhibitions (yes, I have exhibited my art in international fairs and galleries), or for pleasure, of course.
In 2010, I experienced a major change in my life which has completely altered my mindset towards my existence. It was the time that I started exploring meditation techniques and alternative (natural, I would prefer to say) healing methods. My spiritual journey began with multiple trainings, studies, and certifications collected in many schools and forms of energy healing.

Ever since, spirituality and balance between mind & body, became the point of reference in every situation in my life. As I have used several meditation techniques and “tools” (I love working with crystals, I always use the natural powers of herbs and flower remedies in my healings, and I am a Certified "ThetaHealing" Practitioner) I was organically returned to my Greek roots, discovering the sacred mysteries of my ancestors through Ancient Greek “Henosis” Meditation for my spiritual awakening.

This is why I decided to combine my passion for traveling with my research of ancient and traditional ways of medicine and healing. So, my fellow spirits, my main focus on my trips is to discover ancient natural healing techniques and secrets from diverse cultures. Each civilization, each place, each tribe, has a specific ancient way of treatment - and this is what I want to discover!

If you feel like joining in any of my trips, one thing is sure: Something inside you wants to alter towards a much better version!
For the past 6 years, I have hosted an amazing meditation experience at the energy springs of the Acropolis. Ancient Greek meditation on the sacred hill! You can find it on many platforms, like Airbnb, but I prefer that you book directly from me.

You can check for more HERE!

Why join my trip?
Unity is the goal of everything, according to Plato – and within my trips, you will expand your noetic vision to reinforce self-knowledge.

I will make sure that on every trip, the group will have ideal trip mates.

Humans of any background and diversity who are seeking ways to awaken their souls.

If you are consciously trying to become a better version of yourself, if you want to discover secret ancient methods to maximize your talents and abilities, and of course if you think that the time has arrived for you to fine-tune, then join in and synchronize with my experiences.
I will be your meditation guide, we will have detailed masterclasses on nutrition, herbs, and natural medicines & we can even have one-on-one sessions if you like!
And of course we will have fun enjoying every destination that we visit, through food, excursions, dancing …living the way the locals do!.
Thank you for reading my page! I hope to see you in person.
Contact me for inquiries or assistance to eliminate blockages, and let's make it happen!

Phone: +30 69732191855 (Viber+Whatsapp)
